Saturday, May 18, 2019

Fed up farmers say Trump's trade war has pushed them to the brink


Rpt: Trump administration gives $62 million earmarked for struggling farmers to corrupt Brazilian brothers - NBC News

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Identity theft: How criminals use a low-interest credit card scam to ste...

CBC Special: Must See applies to all countries! DONALD TRUMP WHAT IS THE REAL SECURITY THREAT? Identity theft: How criminals use a low-interest credit card scam


Monday, March 4, 2019

What would happen to the USSR if Beria came to power

What would happen to the USSR if Beria came to power

translated from the Russian by Google and A.S.

In 1953, Beria was the 54th year. After becoming head of state, he could still be at the top of power for a long time, but his execution excluded such prospects. What could the USSR expect in the event of the victory of one of the Stalinist comrades?

Stalin did not leave behind a successor, after the death of the leader, four immediately claimed the main post of the country: Beria, Khrushchev, Malenkov and Bulganin. As a result, the power was divided between the two - Grigory Malenkov took the post of chairman of the Council of Ministers, and Lavrenti Beria, became his deputy and minister of internal affairs. However, Beria was, of course, the real head of the country.

Relying on the power structures, Beria in a short time changed the heads of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in all the Union republics and in most regions of the RSFSR, and the new appointees had themselves replaced the middle-level cadres on people who were loyal to Beria.
For several months of being at the very top of power, Beria was able to establish himself as an ambitious politician: on his initiative, a large-scale amnesty was held, the proceedings against political prisoners were stopped. Lavrenty Pavlovich intended to liquidate the collective farm system and expand the rights of all republics within the USSR. He was also a supporter of the rapprochement of the USSR with the West.

Did Beria have the opportunity to prevent his overthrow and take power by force? In May 1953, he was at the peak of his power and, with the help of an administrative resource, could easily have cracked down on any of his opponents. Journalist Alexei Durnovo believes that it was not enough to arrest Khrushchev and Malenkov, it was necessary to detain several dozen of their supporters.
The next step is to explain to the country that enemies sabotaging the construction of socialism sneaked into the party and behead the opposition. Then, according to Durnovo, for a long time, Beria could “enjoy power without a huge Union”.

Lavrenty Pavlovich would have peacefully grown old, awarding himself with orders and titles, would have enjoyed esteem in the politburo and respect among the people. The journalist believes that the "Beriev USSR" would be in many ways similar to the country that we later saw under Brezhnev.

Many modern historians believe that with the death of Beria, we lost a talented and active person. They are confident that under Lavrenti Pavlovich socialism would continue to develop "successfully and harmoniously" and the task of building a communist society in the USSR would become quite real.
The author of the work on Beria, the writer Sergey Kremlev, notes that the 1950s USSR had very impressive prospects. In his opinion, for their realization the ideal combination of leaders would be the Malenkov-Beria tandem, “where Beria would sit behind Malenkov, but he would pedal with might and main”.

In this political context, Khrushchev probably would have remained in the politburo, but would have lost the post of first secretary of the Moscow Party Committee. Experts believe that the failures of Khrushchev in the field of agriculture, where he was considered a specialist, would lead to the end of his career.

The Kremlin believes that if Beria remained at the helm of power, then the entire history of the planet could have developed according to a completely different scenario: to go not through militarization and capitalization, but as a way to build a decent and fair community of working people. In this sense, the Kremlin talks about Beria as a missed chance not only for Russia, but for all of humanity.

It is believed that the cult of Stalin Khrushchev debunked. However, as early as the spring of 1953, while he was in charge of the MGB, Beria became the author of a number of legislative and political acts that indirectly exposed the Stalinist regime and the repressions of the 1930s and 50s.
Some historians have perceived this as the first trend of democratic change. Moreover, Beria stopped the so-called "doctors' case" initiated by Stalin, in which, under the pretext of a plot against Soviet leaders, a number of talented specialists were persecuted. All of them were rehabilitated in two weeks.
Many believe that, if the government was kept, Beria would continue to review the cases of the repressed. Human rights activist Valery Borschev , on the contrary, calls Beria’s struggle against Stalinism a myth. Beria, in his words, would continue to implement the Stalinist methods of repression and the Stalinist method of suppression; The gulag would not disappear anywhere, and we would get a version of the dictatorship that is close to Chilean.

Many experts do not agree that under Beria we would have a totalitarian future. Blogger Anna Freese believes that Lawrence Pavlovich did everything to democratize society. Take, for example, his note to the presidium of the Central Committee on the abolition of passport restrictions from the peasants. The idea of ​​Beria was implemented only in the 1970s.

Also noteworthy is Beria’s attempt to divide the powers of the authorities, limit the influence of ideology on the economic life of the country, and return to the real power of the Soviets. The chief researcher at the Institute of World Economy and International Relations of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Georgy Mirsky, believes that even striving for democracy would not deprive Beria of his desire to take Stalin's place. However, he would not have succeeded. On his way there would be many obstacles, for example Marshal Zhukov.

Towards the West

Beria was a supporter of establishing relations with the West. He intended to restore relations with Yugoslavia, and also proposed to abandon the construction of socialism in East Germany, allowing the merger of the GDR with Germany. According to Mirsky, the Soviet Union under Beria would have refused the path of militarization, would not have gone on the escalation of the Cold War and would not plunge Cuba into his adventure. And relations with the United States, according to the expert, would have been much more “easy”.

Liquidation of the USSR

One of the motives for the overthrow of Beria was Khrushchev's confidence that his opponent intends to destroy the USSR. This is what Nikita Sergeevich said at the XX Congress of the CPSU : “Beria had a developed plan for the liquidation of the Soviet system. What he did not dare to do during the life of Comrade Stalin, he began to carry out after his death, began to discredit the policy of the greatest Lenin, preparing the seizure of power and the establishment of a counter-revolutionary dictatorship. He began to strenuously promote the members of the conspiratorial group to leading positions. In their anti-Soviet treasonous goals, Beria and his accomplices undertook a series of criminal measures in order to intensify the remnants of bourgeois-nationalist elements. ”


Andrei Sakharov, a doctor of historical sciences, does not believe that Beria, as a man who went through Stalin’s school of terror, would begin to change the system. After all, it was with him that the deployment of the GULAG structure was connected, his name was tarnished by repressions of the 1930s. However, Beria Sakharov called the projects more liberal and pragmatic than the Stalin projects.

Nikita Petrov , deputy chairman of the board of the Memorial Information and Educational Center , believes that Lavrenty Beria had very little chance of clinging to power. Even if he managed to win a place in the sun, not for long.

In the 1950s, the spirit of Stalin’s spirit was still alive, Nazarov notes, and therefore they dealt with “absolutely Stalinist” with Beria. Об этом сообщает Рамблер. Далее:

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Jason Unruhe with his usual shortcomings on Socialists groups

Jason Unruhe with his usual shortcomings in an excellent yet not a very original article on the psuedo left & revolution in America and the shady nature of the left in America via @YouTube

Where I think he should of been an anarchist because he seemingly never works with others except he is not an anarchist??? Maybe he is a crypto anarchist infiltrating Maoists?

Monday, February 25, 2019

Roter Wedding - Unofficial Anthem of the Red Front

Roter Wedding
Ernst Busch
Roter Wedding

Text: Ernst Busch nach Erich Weinert; Musik: Hanns Eisler
Links, links, links, links!

Die Trommeln werden gerührt.
Links, links, links, links!
Die Arbeiterklasse marschiert.

Wir fragen euch nicht nach Verband und Partei

Seid ihr nur ehrlich im Kampf mit dabei
Gegen Unrecht und Reaktion.
Wir sind durch die Not, durch den Hunger vereint,
Uns binden die Opfer im Kampf vor dem Feind,
Unsre Lieder der Revolution!
Roter Wedding grüßt euch, Genossen,

Haltet die Fäuste bereit!
Haltet die roten Reihen geschlossen,
Dann ist der Tag nicht mehr weit!

Kämpfen wir als Sozialisten

Endlich in einer Front!
Arbeitsbrüder, Kommunisten,
Rot Front! Rot Front!
Links, links, links, links!
Der Kampf wird weiter geführt.
Links, links, links, links!
Ein Lump,

Der Rote Frontkämpferbund (RFB) war die paramilitärische Schutztruppe der KPD in der Weimarer Republik. Er wurde Mitte Juli 1924 in Halle/Saale gegründet (es werden unterschiedliche Daten kolportiert) und entwickelte eine Agitationskultur, die von einem Frontkämpferdasein ebenso geprägt war wie von ihrem politischen Selbstverständnis. Am 3. Mai 1929 wurde der RFB vom preußischen Innenminister verboten. Seine Mitglieder agierten in Nachfolgeorganisationen oder wechselten die politische Heimat.

Zur Vorgeschichte[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Die Frontkämpferkultur nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Die Spannungen im Alltagsleben in Deutschland nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg ergaben sich neben der Niederlage, dem Verhalten der Siegermächte sowie der politischen Zerrissenheit und Radikalisierung auch aus der großen Zahl – gut fünf Millionen – von meist demobilisierten Soldaten. In ihren Reihen entwickelte sich eine spezifische Frontkämpferkultur, die unabhängig von der politischen Richtung der jeweiligen Gruppe oder Formation über gleiche Rituale und ein bedingt gleiches Selbstverständnis verfügte.
Ihre mehr oder weniger erzwungene Einordnung fand schließlich zu einem großen Teil im vertrauten Terrain statt, das sich häufig nur von einer unterschiedlichen politischen Vorstellung unterschied: In den nach 1924 sich entwickelnden überwiegend großen zentralen Frontkämpferverbänden. Allein rund drei Millionen Männer waren im republiktreuen Reichsbanner Schwarz-Rot-Gold und ungefähr 400.000 im rechtsorientierten Traditionalistenbund Stahlhelm organisiert. Dazu kamen der Jungdeutsche Orden, viele kleine regionale Kampf- und Ordnergruppen, schwarze Reichswehrverbände, die vielfach zerschlagene und verbotene SA und 50.–100.000 Rote Frontkämpfer.
Zusammen mit einer großen Anzahl nach Sinn, Geborgenheit und „Heimat“ suchenden Jugendlichen ergab sich eine explosive Mischung.

Roter Wedding Roter Frontkämpferbund

Roter Wedding
Roter Wedding
Unofficial  Anthem of the KPD

Text: Ernst Busch nach Erich Weinert; Musik: Hanns Eisler
Links, links, links, links!

Die Trommeln werden gerührt.

Links, links, links, links!

Die Arbeiterklasse marschiert.

Wir fragen euch nicht nach Verband und Partei
Seid ihr nur ehrlich im Kampf mit dabei
Gegen Unrecht und Reaktion.
Wir sind durch die Not, durch den Hunger vereint,
Uns binden die Opfer im Kampf vor dem Feind,
Unsre Lieder der Revolution!
Roter Wedding grüßt euch, Genossen,

Haltet die Fäuste bereit!

Haltet die roten Reihen geschlossen,

Dann ist der Tag nicht mehr weit!

Kämpfen wir als Sozialisten
Endlich in einer Front!
Arbeitsbrüder, Kommunisten,
Rot Front! Rot Front!
Links, links, links, links!

Der Kampf wird weiter geführt.

Links, links, links, links!

Ein Lump,

Der Rote Frontkämpferbund (RFB) war die paramilitärische Schutztruppe der KPD in der Weimarer Republik. Er wurde Mitte Juli 1924 in Halle/Saale gegründet (es werden unterschiedliche Daten kolportiert) und entwickelte eine Agitationskultur, die von einem Frontkämpferdasein ebenso geprägt war wie von ihrem politischen Selbstverständnis. Am 3. Mai 1929 wurde der RFB vom preußischen Innenminister verboten. Seine Mitglieder agierten in Nachfolgeorganisationen oder wechselten die politische Heimat.

Zur Vorgeschichte[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Die Frontkämpferkultur nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Die Spannungen im Alltagsleben in Deutschland nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg ergaben sich neben der Niederlage, dem Verhalten der Siegermächte sowie der politischen Zerrissenheit und Radikalisierung auch aus der großen Zahl – gut fünf Millionen – von meist demobilisierten Soldaten. In ihren Reihen entwickelte sich eine spezifische Frontkämpferkultur, die unabhängig von der politischen Richtung der jeweiligen Gruppe oder Formation über gleiche Rituale und ein bedingt gleiches Selbstverständnis verfügte.
Ihre mehr oder weniger erzwungene Einordnung fand schließlich zu einem großen Teil im vertrauten Terrain statt, das sich häufig nur von einer unterschiedlichen politischen Vorstellung unterschied: In den nach 1924 sich entwickelnden überwiegend großen zentralen Frontkämpferverbänden. Allein rund drei Millionen Männer waren im republiktreuen Reichsbanner Schwarz-Rot-Gold und ungefähr 400.000 im rechtsorientierten Traditionalistenbund Stahlhelm organisiert. Dazu kamen der Jungdeutsche Orden, viele kleine regionale Kampf- und Ordnergruppen, schwarze Reichswehrverbände, die vielfach zerschlagene und verbotene SA und 50.–100.000 Rote Frontkämpfer.
Zusammen mit einer großen Anzahl nach Sinn, Geborgenheit und „Heimat“ suchenden Jugendlichen ergab sich eine explosive Mischung.

First Venezuela, now Nicaragua, then Cuba?

Americans journalists media and government never seem to connect the stories (as they say connect the dots). I recall John Sinclair during the Vietnam War being sentenced to ten years in prison for possession of two Marijuana cigarettes. Now prominent Democrats and Republicans rush to invest in legal drugs at the same time they prevent the original marketers from legal involvement in the business.

In a country that all too often executes the mentally ill when much of the world does not even for homicide, but where US police have become trigger happy due to US corruption as they shoot people holding cell phone and abuse them in police stations much the US once accused the KGB.

But with Trump failing to expand beyond his fanatical base perhaps the criminals John Bolton Eliot Abrams might like political asylum in the Russia or Ukraine? It is a joke that Trumps fashions his idiot foreign policy arguments from his TV delusions invented by the Australian criminal Rupert Murdoch while concerning himself with Venezuela Syria Iraq Nicaragua Afghanistan where maybe the USA is in need of regime change.

In comment of RT's First Venezuela, now Nicaragua? Bolton says Ortega’s days ‘numbered’ & people ‘will soon be free’

No coincidence there there was no plan.

USA One Big Lie!

Para Mi Amigo Elvis en Venezuela

Trump culo flaco mata America,
Buen Elvis, Buen America,
con un faceo bonito,
nunca sucio o pobre,
ven a America Trump

simplista cinema,
en verdad America mata Elvis,
Y Elvis mata el mundo,
el mundo es frio y no es mi amigo,
pero no enemigo, no amiga,
nuestro morta vien aqui y ahora,
Prison sentencia es vida en infierno,
desde muchos infiernos, escapa nada,
passado presente futura, en vida nada viv,
nada seguro, nada perfecto,
que asi porque vive muerte
Senor Presidente Saludo,
Mueto, JFK CIA generals mata Diem,
novembre 2, 1963, no mas Diem, no mas Vietnam,
novembre 20, 1963, no mas JFK,
el muerte de Diem mato a JFK,

palabras odi un mente de loco basura,
palabras odia un mente de loco basura,
?como vives?

AMERICA un mentira grande, ELVIS bueno,
@NicolasMaduro es bueno,
chupa la pingas de pedofiles,

Lima Grupo hace la trabaja del diablo Trump,
y El ven a Corea del Norte as convienent,
pero no los soldados Americano que morte ueten en francia,
mira la vecha of Trump muy macho,
en temor a las nubes de lluvia, el se escapo,
pregunta Presidente Macron,

Argentina no escucha la sono del infierno,
pero vivanemos eso,
Cuando el Papa habla,
escuchamos nada en particular,
pero ve al infierno muy rapido,
en la guerre sucio bonita,
Bienvenido su vacancia en las Islas Malvinas,
Argentina pendejos?
No otro vez, un otro vez,
apprendemos desde estupidez, no?
desde experencia, observacion, analysis,
si tienes mente  por favor:
no vay desde lo sarten, a en la fuego,

Mira Soldats Americano,
norte desde mexico, sur desde Canada
al borde, para vencer a los ninos y las mujeres,
vuestro ninos y mujeras,
para vencer al viejo el enfermo,
usteds viejo y enfermo,
Nuestra pobre y estúpido,

Trump retorna nostros volver a la inferno,
Pídales a amigos mexicanos,
soñando con Texas,
California, Arizona, Nuevo México,
reconoce de las concesiones de tierras de Nueva España,
los reyes de españa,
alguno gana, alguno perdida,
un temporado en infierno,

El imperialismo Trump no le garantiza nada a Elvis,
Elvis John Lennon Micheal Jackson asesinado.
Entonces, ¿qué te espera? muerte.

Llama me un stupido Elvis pendejo,
dinero es nada en el infierno,
rico, mas rico, pobre, mas pobre,

"vainidad des vanidades"
Tu amigo Elvis siempre.

Para Mi Amigo Elvis en Venezuela
manos fuera de venezuela

¡imperialistas yanquis van a casa!
¡Tu país está siendo asesinado!

Satanás Trump y el diablo son mentirosos